Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Among Our Childhood Celebrities

I'll take Raffi over Pat Sajak.


Mike said...

"And I’m also puzzled by how quickly our decades-long efforts to clean up the environment, reduce air pollution and fluorocarbon emissions, mandate greater efficiency in businesses and spend untold billions to be kinder to Mother Earth have been rewarded by this dramatic shift."???

We're still producing more pollution than ever before.

Give me a break, Sajak.

cgb said...

Did you read any anything else from 'sajek says?" Most of his other post are absurd. Second, the whole Pelosi demanding a jet is an absolute lie. Post 9/11 the gov't decided that the speaker (also 3rd in line for presidency) should have a military jet to fly home. Even Bush came to her defense (

berg said...

Did anyone else have that eerie Bananaphone flashback when Raffi again used the word "appealing" (or a-peel-ling) in this song?