The Guardian - The web works for the grassroots, but political power still lies with the few
It suits the mythology of meritocracy that remains so central to American identity to have young children walking around in T-shirts saying "Future president of America". But the truth is if your kid really does stand a chance at the top office, he'll already be wearing more expensive attire. America's class system is now more rigid than most in Europe, and that sclerosis is given full expression at the highest levels of politics. Teamsters leader Jimmy Hoffa, Chicago mayor Richard Daley and Southern Christian Leadership Conference head Martin Luther King all carry the names and job titles of their fathers. Each year the richest quarter per cent make 80% of all political donations. The last time there was not a Clinton or a Bush on the presidential ticket was 1976. This is not democracy, it is dynasty.AP - Republicans frosty on Gore's global warming warnings
"You're not just off a little; you're totally wrong," said Texas Rep. Joe Barton, the leading Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, as he challenged Gore's conclusion that carbon dioxide emissions cause rising global temperatures.
Barton and Gore's exchange grew testy at one point -- Barton demanding that Gore get to the point and Gore responding that he would like time to answer without being interrupted.
"Global warming science is uneven and evolving," Barton said.
Gore insisted that the link is beyond dispute and is the source of broad agreement in the scientific community.
1 comment:
There was a USA today opinion article sometime between December 29th and January 4th the dealt precisely with the first clipping. More or less, it centered on the possibility of another Clinton and Thomas Jefferson's warning of the creation of an 'unnatural aristocracy,' the exact thing that could occur if she is elected president. Here is a reprint of the article from the LA Times:,0,7673503.story?coll=la-opinion-rightrail
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