Tuesday, March 13, 2007

When hippies attack...

…usually nothing goes right. Precisely this occurred last week when three hippies (or possible GOP operatives) ambushed and filmed Wisconsin Rep. David Obey. In doing so, they embarrassed themselves, trivialized the Iraq War issue, and forced Obey to apologize (PFD). Although I do not feel that he even needed to apologize, thankfully he did not back down from his position. This group, for some unbeknownst reason, attacked one of the leading critics of the war who, unlike Kerry or Clinton, did not initially vote for the war. As Bru linked to in a previous post, he is not only against the escalation, but wants to end our involvement as soon as possible. This group would have been better served confronting John McCain of Joe Libbermann (especially given their proclivity to filibustering). Please enjoy watching these three make fools of themselves.

Republicans responded by alleging he used "the worst cuss words in the book" and dubbed him "Dirty Mouth Dave." They even went so far as to say that for Obey to use his "foul mouth on the taxpayer dime is a disgrace to the office" (JSonline.com) What would make that Dick Cheney then ("Go F*** yourself)"?

1 comment:

Mike said...

Unfortunately, Skiba's article in the MJS doesn't cover any of the facts that Obey brought up in his argument and only focused on his more frustrated comments. I, for one, do not think he was out of line at any point... but I do think that the focus of Skiba's article is misguided. Obey was making a clear, coherent argument for voting in favor of the supplemental bill to fund U.S. troops and still trying to end the war as quickly as possible. I'm not sure I would even call that a "rant".

Don't we want legislators who are passionate enough about their jobs that they're willing to get into an argument about it with people in the hallway that don't even live in their district? If these folks had approached Sensenbrenner, I bet he would have just walked away, taken his gavel, and gone home.